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Spader Group
From SCORE Client to SCORE Presenter: Spader Group

Spader Group, Shawndel Spader

Title / Role: Owner
Location: Hastings, Minnesota
Formed in: 2014
What do you do?

肖恩德尔·斯派德(Shawndel Spader)与SCORE的关系始于20年前,当时她在一位导师的帮助下创办了自己的第一家企业. Now decades later, 她是斯派德集团(Spader Group)的首席执行官,也是Twin Cities Chapter on的常客 "Knowing Your Numbers."

斯派德集团为企业主提供簿记和管理服务. 当你想到我们的团队时,你会想到后台的支持.  我们有一个记账组和一个行政组. 每个客户都有自己的专用客户经理,并提供额外的支持层."

What inspired you to start your business?

有超过20年的会计和办公室管理经验, Shawndel formalized Spader Group in 2014.

“当你想到我们的团队时,你会发现它确实是一个全面的后端, providing structure, 提供必要的信息,以真正了解企业的健康状况, 因此,我们的客户可以做出明智的决定,并拥有这些重要的指标. 

“这是一个能够支持企业主的很酷的地方. I love what we do."

What's special about your business?

“我们不会只是说,‘给你,这是信息,祝你好运.' We literally jump in the vehicle with them. 虽然我们不是后座司机,但我们在导航过程中很有帮助. When there's something that gets in the way, something we must navigate around, we will be that thought partner with them, and strategize what needs to happen.”


“没有人看到新冠疫情的到来,这也让我们大开眼界.  我想到的一个例子是与我们合作的客户, and his business was absolutely crushing it, but he's in an industry that was hit hard by Covid. We checked on him, like a legit welfare check, and his response was, 'I think I've been under my desk, sucking my thumb, 在眼泪中来回摇摆了三天. Which was totally fair. I am super happy to tell you today, he's crushing it, and exceeding what 'crushing it' was two years ago.  成为这些旅程的一部分是如此有趣和酷. We didn't do the work, he did. 但我们必须成为对话的一部分,这是一个很酷的地方,可以让他们在一个安全的地方哭泣,崩溃和庆祝."

What influenced you to seek help from SCORE?

“我与SCORE的第一次接触是在我和一个朋友一起创办的一家公司. It was a new construction cleaning business. 而我们俩都有会计和办公室管理的背景, neither one of us had set up a company from scratch. We had always walked into existing companies, become the office manager you know, dealt with the money in that sense.

“所以,当我们决定一起做这件事时,我们找到了一位SCORE导师. We worked with a gentleman who was a CPA. He was instrumental in helping us set up our books. Working with him confirmed we knew what we did know, 但也为我们不太清楚的事情提供了额外的启示和教育.”

How SCORE helped.

“Both of us knew how to run QuickBooks, 但是我们可能避免了一些尖锐的曲线,因为我们有SCORE导师在我们的口袋里,我们可以说, 'Hey. We've done all of this. Can you double check it? Cool. 谢谢你,你知道,找到了我们需要改变的东西.' And we would change them. 甚至在我们开始跑步几个月后,到了交税的时候, our mentor would give us advice on what to do.  

“我想说,我现在想和客户一起做教育作品的部分原因是因为我明白,知道我们有选择和选择是多么有帮助, and the pros and cons of each.

“今天,我在SCORE皇冠现金官网组织的一个名为‘了解你的数字’的研讨会上授课.“我们讨论了建立系统的重要性和原因. I also do a talk on delegation. At the end of either of my presentations, 我希望每个人都不要有任何附加条件, 只是一次谈话,讨论,头脑风暴和制定业务战略.  Not enough people take me up on it. 因为我确实认为,在某种程度上,人们只是认为这是有条件的. I promise there's not. But the ones that we do get to talk to, 在那之后我和他们的谈话真的很有趣,因为和他们交谈的是那些真正在思考未来的企业主.”


“建立你的簿记和建立你的后台办公室的内部运作的初始投资是无价的. It doesn't have to be extremely expensive. 但真正变得昂贵的是未来的修正.   我认为这是让你达到了解的舒适程度的重要一步, yes, I can take on more business. No, I'm at capacity. Yes. 我可以做这个投资,或者我需要X Y和Z为真才能做这个投资."


“我认为有这样的思想伙伴是非常重要的. 我经常看到有人会和你认识的人说话, moms, sisters, brothers, friends, aunts, uncles, spouses, whatever, and that's great. But if they're not in business, they don't get it. 他们也不太可能告诉你你需要听到的困难的事情.


"Your bookkeeping, your financials, 所有这些都比你需要向国税局报告的内容重要得多. 它真的可以成为你生意中的一个工具,你可以做出明智的决定, and you can feel good about where you're going. 它向你展示了很多不同的东西,比如一项服务或产品是否有利可图.

“这是我们在观察自己的财务和簿记过程中发现的最大问题之一,我们过去常常在内部编制工资. That didn't make sense. First, we were netting zero on it, 这最终意味着,如果我真的去看它, 我们是负的,因为我们花在收支平衡上的时间本可以花在簿记或管理上,这样我们就能盈利. 所以本质上,我们最终外包了所有的工资服务,因为这是有意义的. Not only just for us as a company, 但这对我们的客户来说也是最有意义的,因为我们无法达到他们需要我们服务的水平, at a rate that was reasonable and competitive.”

How Did Your Business Get Started?

“Both of us knew how to run QuickBooks, 但是我们可能避免了一些尖锐的曲线,因为我们有SCORE导师在我们的口袋里,我们可以说, 'Hey. We've done all of this. Can you double check it? Cool.

7760 France Ave S, Suite 1100
Bloomington, MN 55435
(952) 938-4570

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